Lara Pigorsch is a choreographer and visual artist. After her education as a contemporary dancer, she studied art, music, and media sciences. Since 2020, she has been studying fine arts in the performance class at the Kunsthochschule Kassel. She worked as a choreographer and dancer at documenta 15, and her work "Isolation" was awarded at the Vibra Video Festival program.

In her work, she explores political and social themes such as isolation, data collection and surveillance, the use of social media, and the relationship between humans and nature. An important part of her artistic process lies in utilizing improvisation and movement notations to translate the underlying research material into a formal language. The end products of this process can include choreographies, performances, sound installations, films, and interactive photo exhibitions.

For the past two years, she has been creating performances with her company "interwoven bodies," which have been part of multiple exhibitions. The company serves as a network for artists and dancers, offering public workshops and engaging in various projects.

¿ In what way are we interwoven with each other ?

01/2025 "Filtered Realities", Out of Focus, Ausstellungshalle Kassel, Video Installation

12/2024 "the red thread",Austellungshalle Kassel, Performance Installation
11/2024 "OBSESSION", Kasseler dokfest, Premiere
10/2024 "Shrink", Frankfurter Kunstverein, Performer
07/2024 "My Body is a Battleground", Rundgangaustellung Khk, Performance
07/2024 "Out of Order", Rundgangausstellung Khk, Video Performance
02/2024 "Are you awake?", An Empty Space, Ausstellungshalle Kassel, Performance

12/2023 "Eine Feige als Anfang", Ghost Dance, Performance Collaboration
11/2023 "The Traces You Leave Behind", Ghost Dance, Solo Performance and Installation
 08/2023 "Synästhesie" Ausstellung, Andere Welt Festival
07/2023 "Oblivisci", Performance Installation Project, Rundgang KhK
07/2023 "Obsession", Interwoven.bodies Company, Performance, and Sound Installation
07/2023 Kunstencentrumbuda Kortrijk Belgien, Performance Collaboration
06/2023 "Skin Journal", Performance und Fotoarbeiten
02/2023 "Cardboard Pleasures", Gruppenaustellung Hafenstraße

07/2022 Social Catwalk, documenta fifteen, ruru haus  
07/2022 Rundgangausstellung Khk „Interwoven bodies“ Performance
06-08/2022 Austellung ook center documenta fifteen
02/2022 Gruppenausstellung Galeria Kollektiva

10/2021 dancer, Kasseler docfest/Kurzfimfestival Hamburg 
"Stimmen feministischer Utopien" - Eva Eyrich 
07/2021 Rundgangsausstellung Khk „2,2m²“
05/2021 Gruppenaustellung Tokonoma 

08/2020 Vibra showcase „Isolation“
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