„Oblivisci“ deals with the problem of corroding war ship wracks. They are a memorial to the destructive power of the second world war and with around 10 Million tons of oil and fuel a huge risk to the marine ecosystem.
Similar to climate tipping points, there is a critical threshold, that when crossed, leads to large and irreversible environmental changes.
A spirit of the aftermath of the arms race of the last century, which, unfortunately, has not lost its relevance.
Similar to climate tipping points, there is a critical threshold, that when crossed, leads to large and irreversible environmental changes.
A spirit of the aftermath of the arms race of the last century, which, unfortunately, has not lost its relevance.

Performance 13.07 16:00 // 14.07. 17:00 // 15.07. 16:00
Installation duration 12:00-22:00
Rundgang Kunsthochschule Kassel